Thursday, November 15, 2007

I read a post today about things being 'Good Enough' and how that it's probably not. It was written by a teacher and the idea was to work harder for your grades. Set high standards and expect more of your students. I started thinking about all the other areas of my life that I use that saying. Did my daughter eat her veggies? I got in two bites... That's good enough. Is Aidan clean? Well, he's not completely covered in dirt... that's good enough! Did I make the beds and do the laundry.... ummm... sort-of??? That's good enough for today!
There are areas in life that 'good enough' is nowhere near enough. Did I kiss my children today? Did I tell my husband I love him and thank him for all he does? Did I call a friend today?
I think as long as you keep your priorities straight and do the things really important, then you're doing the best you can. I'm happy with that and I can sleep just fine at the end of the day.

I am good enough...


Blogger Ms. Rita said...

Sounds like you're doing an amazing job that is certainly "good enough." And, I absolutely agree with you that you have to really know your priorities. If someone can find (make) the time to really relax, unwind, pray, etc., I think it can really help to sort out those priorities.

6:06 PM  
Blogger Court said...

Sometimes I have come to a point where I have said that it was good enough or even been told that it was good enough. I think there are some things in life that require good as being enough but if you try to make everything perfect everytime, it would be impossible.

6:11 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

It's too bad Brad doesn't think this way. I took on this thinking when we moved into a larger house.

5:29 AM  

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