Here is Cecelia on her birthday. No cake for now. We're having the party on Saturday. I actually thinks she looks a little like me here...

The other day Cecelia asked to go play up stairs by herself. Daddy went up to check on her a little while later and this is what he found. He asked her if she wanted to come downstairs and play and she said no, she needed to play with all her stuff. Apparently, all at once.

This is Aidan and Gabby. His newest girlfriend as long as she's not touching anything she's not supposed to. Aren't they the cutest! Gabby is about to be our newest neighbor! Joe and Carrie are moving in across the street! We can hardly wait!
my daughter will never ever make her bedroom that messy. she will put the old toys away as she gets out new ones. Why is it, every time Dad watches the kids the place becomes a total disaster???
Wow, I was just getting on your blog to reprimand you on your tardiness. It's about time. Aidan's such a cutie!
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