My pantsless wonder!
I can't believe he fell asleep like this but he did. Isn't he cute! I wish I could still be so comfortable in any position.

Here's Cecelia, desperate for her picture to be taken with her baby.

Aidan's newest hobby.
Mark and I have yet to catch him doing it but his sister rats him out every chance she gets. This is the vent on our bathroom floor. He's taken to putting tissues and toilet paper in it no matter how many times we tell him not to... Just more proof that God has a sense of humor...
I can't believe he fell asleep like this but he did. Isn't he cute! I wish I could still be so comfortable in any position.
Here's Cecelia, desperate for her picture to be taken with her baby.
Aidan's newest hobby.
Mark and I have yet to catch him doing it but his sister rats him out every chance she gets. This is the vent on our bathroom floor. He's taken to putting tissues and toilet paper in it no matter how many times we tell him not to... Just more proof that God has a sense of humor...
holy moly he's a little man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Isabella puts crayons in our vents. Jenn, is Brad ready for stuff like that?
no wonder she was derperate to have her piture taken, shes adorable! and i cant believe your little man is so big. its seems like only a mintute ago they were posing for their christmas picture.
HAAA!!!!!! That was funny Michelle. ooohhhh.. snap!
Shelby is putting things in the fish tank. She has killed about 10 goldfish but at least they only cost 20 cents a piece!
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