Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Cecelia's First Day of 3rd Grade!
(and some other random pictures)
It was raining out so you can't see her cute outfit but she was really excited. I can't believe she's in 3rd grade already.

This was the camp out we did in the living room the night before the hurricane hit us. It was supposed to start getting bad around midnight and there are really big trees in the yard so we all slept downstairs just to be on the safe side in case one of the trees came down on the house. This is in the dining room and the ring of boxes around those two walls is about gone except for the china boxes. I miss my built-in hutch!

Here's the yard after the hurricane. It's hard to see in the picture just how many branches are down but that's about all we got.

The kids in front of a torpedo.


Blogger Logan Family said...

Third grade??!!! What the heck? She's just a baby!!!!

7:23 PM  
Blogger Reg said...

I can barely believe it myself. And Aidan started kindergarten this week!

4:19 PM  

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