Finally, I have gotten some photos from Mark of his trip. Aren't these just beautiful. For those who don't know the story, Mark got to go on a trip to Hawaii for two and a half weeks with ten high school kids on a marine biology trip. It was amazing and I got to stay home with the kids. Aren't I the lucky one... He's promised when he goes again in two years I get to go with. I can't wait!
An average meal. I wish someone cooked like this for me.
Some crazy cool little crab. Mark told me something cool about shedding it's skeleton or something. I'm not sure I could repeat it so, just go with it.
Kids getting in trouble. They were out there in a flash flood area. But it does look really cool. I would want to climb out there too.
Other happenings:
We discovered a crack in a window pane in the dinning room. I'm honestly surprised Aidan took this long to break a window. On top of that, I'm pretty sure I have a hair-line fracture at the base of my nose from him. Mark was about five feet away and said that he heard the crack sound when Aidan hit my nose. It's been several days now and still brings tears to my eyes when I touch my nose on the one side. Lovely.
Also, the hall is finally finished being painted. I have a fabulous husband. Now I just have to hang the few clocks that we've found so far and make little signs for them. Pictures will follow:)
I'll remind you of this when you feel bad for making him put on an addition or something. Does anything slow that boy down??
And isn't Mark here in Indy for GenCon?
Mark's not going to GenCon this year. He got to go to Hawaii instead. He had to pick one or the other. Hawaii won.
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