Just a fun day at the beach. We found the beach closest to our new house and went for a couple hours. 12 minutes. That's all it takes us to get to ocean water. 12 minutes. Amazing... and REALLY cold right now!
Ladies' day out! Yaya was in town for the long weekend. We went walking in Mystic at all the little shops and found hats!
Aidan got a new scooter a couple weeks ago when he spent the day with daddy. He loves it!
This is the corner of our yard. We have these giant flower bushes. They are in full bloom and add so much color. I love them!
Movie and popcorn? Isla actually fell asleep about 5 minutes into the movie but managed to still hold on to the popcorn bowl. She lasted like this all the way through the movie. So cute.
Just a pretty picture from campus. This is just outside Mark's lab where he does all his research in tanks.
Cecelia turned 9! Our last year before she's double digits. She's getting tall and starting to look more like a teen then toddler. Oh, God.
Happy 34th Birthday, Baby!
We made brownies this year. We couldn't celebrate on Mark's birthday this year because he was back in Indiana for Shawn's wedding. Unfortunately I couldn't go with so Mark got a quick weekend by himself to have a good time. That also means he didn't take a single picture with an actual camera... No, no. It's ok. I didn't really want to see any pictures from Shawn's wedding. It's not like I haven't known him for the last 13 years or anything...
May was a really good month. We made bunk beds for Aidan's bedroom. We designed the attic and are researching to make sure we do everything just right. We are settling into the new house still and getting to know our new village. Still weird to say I live in a village.Work is a little crazy for me as the year comes to an end. Mark has settled into the new routine of summer in research. The kids can taste the freedom brewing. They are struggling to hold on til the end of school, only have a week and a half to go. I'm really looking forward to this summer. With a little luck, we'll finish the attic for the ladies, hit the beach a LOT, and get lots of visitors! The Ballentine B&B is almost open!
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