What I did with my weekend...
These are both baby blankets. I have a growing pile. One of these days I'm going to have to get busy quilting them and stop adding to my pile of tops that need to be finished. However... When we were in Anderson for Labor day weekend I hit a new quilt shop with my mom-in-law and brought home a new pile of stuff for my stash.
This is a new charm pack that I made into a busy middle and am adding three nice sized borders to make it the right size. I'm also putting the smallest little brown trim around the busy middle to outline it and make it stand out just a little more. This one is on hold though until I see my mom-in-law again. I decided I love the stripes and couldn't live without them but can't find them locally.
Here's with a layout of the boarders.
This one is another idea stolen from a photo. I love the hearts! I was trying to get it finished this weekend but I've run out of steam and I have one more heart to go. It's a little on the big side but I'll live with it. I actually thought about making a little boarder between all the blues and greens to separate the squares a little more but decided against it because the blanket is already going to measure about 46 x 46 inches. Normally, my baby blankets are somewhere around 36 x 48 inches.
Close up of one of the hearts.
As of yet, I haven't had a single pattern to follow or completely planned out a blanket before starting it. One of these days I'm going to try my luck at actually following a pattern and planning out the whole blanket before I start just to see if I can. Maybe... This whole not planning thing seems to work for me!
These are both baby blankets. I have a growing pile. One of these days I'm going to have to get busy quilting them and stop adding to my pile of tops that need to be finished. However... When we were in Anderson for Labor day weekend I hit a new quilt shop with my mom-in-law and brought home a new pile of stuff for my stash.
This is a new charm pack that I made into a busy middle and am adding three nice sized borders to make it the right size. I'm also putting the smallest little brown trim around the busy middle to outline it and make it stand out just a little more. This one is on hold though until I see my mom-in-law again. I decided I love the stripes and couldn't live without them but can't find them locally.
So impressed! I want a sewing machine really badly. Maybe someday I can make cool things like you!
Don't know how you have the patience for that. I got bored making Isabella a pillow case.
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