Monday, March 23, 2009

No good creamer to boot!
Spring break is officially over. Although a far cry from what it once was for me, still a nice break. I did a little quilting and then spent the rest of the time working on lesson plans and staring a wall. Which may sound weird but was much needed. I spent most of my time trying not to be alone and definitely trying not to think too much. For the most part, I was pretty successful. Now it's back to reality. I've got to finish up my two weeks worth of lesson plans for one class and study for an exam on Thursday. Somewhere in there I'll fit in working on the math due Friday night. I'm so close! There's only six more weeks of school left!
More importantly, only three weeks left until I know for sure what I'm dealing with for perks. I think the not knowing is what's doing me in. I had started up a book club and after picking three books that were very stimulating and entertaining but horribly messed up and depressing, I'm taking a break from the book club. I'm reading something rather vanilla and nice and I know will have a happy ending. I've also found that all my most loved tv shows are out right now. They are all medically based have picked the last couple of weeks to talk about people dying of cancer. Not a good topic right now. I start crying and then can't stop. Seriously, I tried to explain to poor Mark yesterday that this would all be interesting enough without the serge in hormones. So whatever emotion I happen to run in to, it's jacked up on speed. It's all very annoying. And extremely exhausting...
Besides all of this, I wake up this morning and get kids ready and drop Cecelia off at school. Get Aidan set up with something to entertain him and turn on the computer to get in my homework time and see if I can finish up those lesson plans. To make this all perfect, I go into the kitchen and start my coffee. Then it hits me. I've run out of the good creamer. The stuff that makes coffee go from yum to Y..U..M...M...Y..... Damn it Jim!
I think it's going to be one of those days...
(Pictures to follow later when I've actually gotten some work done)


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