Catching Up
I found super cute fabric last week and decided to try my hand at making a summer dress. I still need to go get some ribbon for the straps, (Nice call Carrie!) but Isla and Olivia will be wearing this next summer. I love it!

Isla getting in some tummy time and laughing at Aidan. He's so funny.

Aidan doing yoga with daddy. How adorable!

So we went on a field trip on Saturday with Mark and his high school students. Since it was Cecelia's birthday, she got to ride the charter bus with us and Yaya and Popsi followed with Aidan and Isla in the car. We went up to Chicago and went to Shedd Aquarium. A grand time was had by all but I didn't see Cecelia the whole time because she ditched us to hang out with two other teachers and their three boys. Seriously, she's only turning six and already I'm being ditched for boys. It's so wrong. Anyway, Aidan was stuck with me. The following is ...
Aidan + camera + museum =
air vent

giant frog hanging from ceiling

his feet

ceiling in the middle

stairs to go get food

the chips he wanted

shark swimming away


giant lobster

big fish

yellow fish

giant turtle

duck feet

I think Aidan will be our official photographer at all museums. He took about 100 pictures and most of them you can tell what's going on. Some of them are pretty interesting.
This was yesterday afternoon while I was pinning a quilt together. Just in case there was any doubt how much Cecelia loves her baby sister and how much Isla loves her big sissy.

Cecelia and Aidan all dressed up for church.

Cecelia eating a birthday cupcake on Saturday. We're not getting the fancy ones until next Saturday when she's having a party with her little girlfriends from school. Notice the frosting is already gone before daddy had time to grab the camera. And Cecelia got to pick what we had for dinner. Happy meals from McDonald's. It's good to be the birthday girl!
I found super cute fabric last week and decided to try my hand at making a summer dress. I still need to go get some ribbon for the straps, (Nice call Carrie!) but Isla and Olivia will be wearing this next summer. I love it!
Isla getting in some tummy time and laughing at Aidan. He's so funny.
Aidan doing yoga with daddy. How adorable!
So we went on a field trip on Saturday with Mark and his high school students. Since it was Cecelia's birthday, she got to ride the charter bus with us and Yaya and Popsi followed with Aidan and Isla in the car. We went up to Chicago and went to Shedd Aquarium. A grand time was had by all but I didn't see Cecelia the whole time because she ditched us to hang out with two other teachers and their three boys. Seriously, she's only turning six and already I'm being ditched for boys. It's so wrong. Anyway, Aidan was stuck with me. The following is ...
Aidan + camera + museum =
air vent
giant frog hanging from ceiling
his feet
ceiling in the middle
stairs to go get food
the chips he wanted
shark swimming away
giant lobster
big fish
yellow fish
giant turtle
duck feet
I think Aidan will be our official photographer at all museums. He took about 100 pictures and most of them you can tell what's going on. Some of them are pretty interesting.
This was yesterday afternoon while I was pinning a quilt together. Just in case there was any doubt how much Cecelia loves her baby sister and how much Isla loves her big sissy.
Cecelia and Aidan all dressed up for church.
Cecelia eating a birthday cupcake on Saturday. We're not getting the fancy ones until next Saturday when she's having a party with her little girlfriends from school. Notice the frosting is already gone before daddy had time to grab the camera. And Cecelia got to pick what we had for dinner. Happy meals from McDonald's. It's good to be the birthday girl!
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