Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday, November 03, 2008
So here are some pictures of carving pumpkins . There were three carved total. I just realized that I never took a picture of the final products. Look at Aidan's face in these. He was priceless. Cecelia got a little gross but Aidan would not touch the pumpkins especially the insides.
Here's John all ready for the neighbors' party. I LOVE it! The wings only lasted for ten minutes until they drove him crazy. Notice the socks!!! And he painted the boots himself!
Here's my adorable children in front of Yaya's house. All ready to go! We made it up and down four blocks this year before Aidan got too hot and Cecelia got bored. Aidan refused to wear the purple head thing but was in love with the fake buttons. Cecelia was a champ and even held her wand most of the time!
Look at my little Hermione Granger! She was so proud of her hair.
So here are some pictures of carving pumpkins . There were three carved total. I just realized that I never took a picture of the final products. Look at Aidan's face in these. He was priceless. Cecelia got a little gross but Aidan would not touch the pumpkins especially the insides.