Monday, July 09, 2012


June started out busy but has ended on the lazier side. (sort of...) The end of another school year and a new batch of crazy pictures came home with the kids after a day at school with a camera. I'm sure the teachers think I'm completely insane sending a camera in with the kids but it's worth it every time. They take the goofiest pictures of themselves and friends. Here are the kids favorite pictures from the last day at school. 

 Once school was out, I took the girls to the American Girl store so Cecelia could spend her birthday money. It was Isla's first trip. She was completely in love and really excited about seeing Abby (her bitty twin) in the store and all the different stuff that would go with her. Might have just damned myself with that visit...
 We have gotten some humid days here where it just barely rains and then there's a break in the sky and we've had a couple of the most amazing rainbows I've ever seen. This one showed up in the back yard. It was a full rainbow that you could see both ends of and it was so big  I couldn't really get the whole rainbow in the shot. You could also see all the colors including the difference between purple and indigo. Mark and I were like little kids standing out in the mist taking pictures.
 We finally got started on the attic! It doesn't look like much but here's 19 feet worth of knee wall. The hole closest is going to be a built in dresser for Cecelia. Her bed will be on the far side and the second hole is an access hole to the crawl space that will be in her closet. Super slow going though because we have not gotten it insulated yet so REALLY hot. Mark and I would work for 20 minutes and have to take a break because it was getting sooooo hot up there. Can't wait to insulate and get cooler! Better yet, can't wait to be done and have the girls up there and settled!
 This past weekend it was too hot to work up in the attic so we decided to help Aidan reclaim his legos. We have some cool sets from the kingdom line but they had all been broken and then 'rebuilt' into other things. Aidan really wanted to rebuild his castle and a couple of other sets. We spent a whole day separating the pieces by color. By the end of the day, my butt was completely numb from sitting on the wood floor all day. We spent the next several days searching for tiny, rare pieces to built everything but Aidan hasn't stopped playing with them yet. Gotta love legos!
 Besides playing with legos and sweating to death in the attic and reading all my books (4 down, 8 billion more to go), I have been trying to work on setting up the house. We've been slowly going through boxes and finding homes for everything in the new house. I'm not in a rush to throw things in closets or cram things in places. I'm taking my time and getting organized. After living in the rental house for 9 months, things are not organized. Plus we're figuring out the best way to fit our stuff into our new house. There are little corners now that are set up the way I want amongst all the crap in the house that has not been put away yet. Here's an example, I found these bookcases on sale and they fit perfect in this nook. I spent some time going through our books and picked my favorites to put on the shelves. I listened to one of those design shows that said to group books according to color instead of size. I love the way it turned out and the way it looks. Plus, it's nice to have access to some of my books too. The rest will have to wait for the attic to be done. The bedroom the girls are in now is going to become a den when they move up.
 And because I un-boxed some books, I had to have a place to sit and enjoy them! So this is the corner just across from the bookcases. Makes you want to sit down and hang out with a good book, doesn't it!?!
Mark is doing research all summer but the kids and I have settled into a summer routine of lazy mornings, playing, hanging out, reading and sun bathing at the beach. It's a beautiful thing. We also have several visitors this summer. We still have a couple of free weekends though if you feel the need to come relax, read a good book, have some good conversations and just enjoy life:)