Lots of news...
Richard came up this weekend and brought my fabric!!! Here's the top of the next baby quilt. It's all pinned together but I'm waiting until I can make it to the store to get some brown thread for quilting it. I'm totally in love.
Aidan managed to fall on the stairs this weekend. So now he looks like we beat him. It's hard to see in this photo but besides the big mark on his forehead, he's got a little bit of a shiner on the right eye. To top things off, at Martin's yesterday he crashed into the counter area in front of the donuts and took a chunk out of his chin. What a mess!
Here's a photo of Connor! He looks just like Joe. Can you believe he's only five days old in this photo!?! He looks too perfect to be so new! Good job Carrie!
Yesterday was my follow up ultrasound to check on the cyst. It's still there. It hasn't gotten any bigger but it hasn't gotten any smaller either. For now, the doc said not to worry about it and we'll check it again after the baby is born. With such little room in there, she doesn't think it's going to get twisted and doesn't want to go in and get it while there's still a baby in there. So, we're waiting it out, which is fine by me. I'm really hoping it doesn't burst though. Especially during delivery. That would just be uncalled for. Also, I am still resisting the urge to find out what we're having. I'm terribly sorry for those of you who are dying to know. I got lots of views of the baby yesterday (who was awake this time and moving all over the place) but made sure none of them showed any goodies. Mark doesn't know either. Although, we're both thinking it's a girl because of the way I'm carrying. Damn Murphy! We still haven't decided on an entire girl's name. I think Isla is the first name but we haven't really found a middle name to go with it. I'm still keeping my eyes and ears open!
Yesterday was my follow up ultrasound to check on the cyst. It's still there. It hasn't gotten any bigger but it hasn't gotten any smaller either. For now, the doc said not to worry about it and we'll check it again after the baby is born. With such little room in there, she doesn't think it's going to get twisted and doesn't want to go in and get it while there's still a baby in there. So, we're waiting it out, which is fine by me. I'm really hoping it doesn't burst though. Especially during delivery. That would just be uncalled for. Also, I am still resisting the urge to find out what we're having. I'm terribly sorry for those of you who are dying to know. I got lots of views of the baby yesterday (who was awake this time and moving all over the place) but made sure none of them showed any goodies. Mark doesn't know either. Although, we're both thinking it's a girl because of the way I'm carrying. Damn Murphy! We still haven't decided on an entire girl's name. I think Isla is the first name but we haven't really found a middle name to go with it. I'm still keeping my eyes and ears open!