Aidan turned 4. I can hardy believe it! He's so big now. Here he is showing me he's four in the morning as we're heading out the door.

This was after dinner. We had cupcakes with spider-man rings on them.

Here's Isla with her very first cupcake. I took the frosting off of it but she never knew she was missing anything.

Grandma Linda sent a gift card and this is what Aidan picked out. He was very excited about getting to pick something out at the store. Isla liked it too.

Aidan kept shooing Isla away from his new toy. She finally got a couple minutes to play with it when Aidan went to go take his bath.

This was yesterday. We had Diego and Gabby over to play and then took them downtown to the cafe to play at the indoor playground. They had so much fun together.

Super cool cupcakes were had by all.

Including Isla. Again with out any frosting.

Maybe Aidan enjoyed his a little too much.

Here's some pictures at the cafe. Isla was taking most of Papa's shake.

This was as close as I got to everyone holding still for a picture. I'm not sure where Gabby disappeared to. She was in it just a second before.

After the cafe, they didn't want to go home yet so we came back and put in a movie. This happened very quickly. Gabby is knocked out. Aidan is about knocked out and Cecelia is out. Isla was napping too. It was awesome!

Isla also is celebrating her very first birthday! We didn't do anything big though. She got a couple of little presents and a cupcake of course. Here she is with her new my little pony baby. She loves it! She keeps hitting the chest and making it sing. I'm currently wondering if she's ever going to fall asleep for her nap or just keep playing that song...

Aidan turned 4. I can hardy believe it! He's so big now. Here he is showing me he's four in the morning as we're heading out the door.
This was after dinner. We had cupcakes with spider-man rings on them.
Here's Isla with her very first cupcake. I took the frosting off of it but she never knew she was missing anything.
Grandma Linda sent a gift card and this is what Aidan picked out. He was very excited about getting to pick something out at the store. Isla liked it too.
Aidan kept shooing Isla away from his new toy. She finally got a couple minutes to play with it when Aidan went to go take his bath.
This was yesterday. We had Diego and Gabby over to play and then took them downtown to the cafe to play at the indoor playground. They had so much fun together.
Super cool cupcakes were had by all.
Including Isla. Again with out any frosting.
Maybe Aidan enjoyed his a little too much.
Here's some pictures at the cafe. Isla was taking most of Papa's shake.
This was as close as I got to everyone holding still for a picture. I'm not sure where Gabby disappeared to. She was in it just a second before.
After the cafe, they didn't want to go home yet so we came back and put in a movie. This happened very quickly. Gabby is knocked out. Aidan is about knocked out and Cecelia is out. Isla was napping too. It was awesome!
Isla also is celebrating her very first birthday! We didn't do anything big though. She got a couple of little presents and a cupcake of course. Here she is with her new my little pony baby. She loves it! She keeps hitting the chest and making it sing. I'm currently wondering if she's ever going to fall asleep for her nap or just keep playing that song...