38 Weeks and counting... So I've been trying to keep myself busy so I don't dwell on the fact that I'm still prego. This is what I've been doing...

This is the baby blanket for my mom's friend. It measures 48" X 36" and is finally completed! I didn't want to quilt any more lines than the x's in the squares so I put tiny knots in the cream lines to keep the batting in place.

This is the baby blanket for my cousin. Again, FINALLY FINISHED! It measures 44" X 45" I think. I've already passed it off to my mom to mail so I don't remember anymore. But it turned out super cute. Also, in keeping with the style of the person receiving the blanket, it has organic batting and is made of 100% cotton. I did the quilting a little different this time trying something new and ended up with a little puckering. Mark said it was fine but the type A person I am, it bothers me still. I'm working on letting it go. I do love how the random fabric hearts turned out. And I found the perfect heart fabric to go on the back and binding.

My favorite local fabric shop has this awesome sale every year on New Years Day called the Football Widow's Sale. I'm in love! I have no idea yet what I'll be doing with any of these first fabrics but I really liked them so...

These two are to be background and backing and binding for a sock-monkey blanket for my brother Chuck and his wife Virginia. These were harder to find then you'd think. I was matching the red to the details on the sock monkeys and it was tricky finding the right shade. Also, the poke-a-dots had to be just the right fabric. Not too busy because it's background and not too plain and again, just the right shade of red. PERFECT!! This week I've also finished the top to that blanket and sat on the floor last night trying to pin it together for quilting. That job is proving interesting this late in the pregnancy. Anyway, pictures are to follow but not until I've finished and sent it off to them so they don't get any hints on how truly cool it is turning out. Just wait and see!!!

This one's just for me. It's very girlie and has lots of hearts and I don't care. I'm going to make myself a fabulous lap blanket for all the cold nights I spend reading on the couch. Plus, I found a picture in a magazine that I'm going to try to copy for the pattern so a nice challenge to boot!

This was Friday night! We went to see Sesame Street: Elmo Makes Music. The kids had a fantastic time and Aidan made it all the way through his first show!

Bert doing the hustle in a '70's white disco suit. Awesome.

Cecelia jamming to the beat...

Aidan laughing at Mr. Noodle. Classic.

All-in-all, a good week was had by all. I've also been busy nesting and cleaning everything. A pointless task while both kids are home all day. Tomorrow Cecelia goes back to school and I might actually have a chance at keeping anything clean!